About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

How do you define health?  Is it simply the absence of disease or is it something more?  

Within Agape, we believe health to be something more – that to be truly healthy, we must not only nurture and care for the physical, but also for the mental, the social, and the spiritual aspects of those we serve. Focusing on the former Soviet Union since 1993, AGAPE seeks to promote all aspects of health and to show God’s AGAPE love by providing medical assistance to those who have little or no access to medical care.  Agape always partners with likeminded local health care providers and churches. In this way, the work continues after we leave. The inevitable question always comes up, “Why do you do this?” When people ask, this is the perfect opportunity to tell them about God’s greatest gift, Jesus Christ, and because we have demonstrated God’s AGAPE love through medical care, they listen and often want to know more.

What's new with Agape Unlimited...


P.O. Box 50994 Midland, TX 79710, US



  • Les Kiemele
  • Marcella Castro
  • Kristen Leung
  • Kara Knies
  • Andrea Patterson
  • Rightwingback
  • Callie Sinyard
  • Anonymous
  • Megan Lehman
  • Jennifer Zherebnenko


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