Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

God of the Desert: Finding hope and beauty in our trials

Like the prophet Elijah in the Old Testament, many times we as followers of Jesus who seek to make His name known, find ourselves crying out to God “I have had enough Lord”. Learning how to find God in our trials and to trust His loving faithfulness to refine us is a necessary part of our journey. Though sometimes difficult to share openly, the failures, disappointments, and hard times are important in the life of a global worker. Most often, just as in Elijah’s life in I Kings 19, the beauty and majesty and power of God meet us in these times. Sharing from her personal journey in medical missions as a general surgeon in the Middle East and in Kenya, Dr. Carol Spears will explore ways from scripture to find hope and beauty in the desert experiences of missionary service. The scripture is I Kings 19

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God's Heart for the Nations - Why it Matters for All Health Care Practitioners

God painted His heart for the Nations throughout the pages of His Word, from Genesis to Revelation... If we live our lives, spend our money, eat/drink, exercise, pray, and practice medicine without catching this vision, we're missing out on the greatest masterpiece ever created! We create a false dichotomy of domestic healthcare and that which is international. God doesn't see it this way and neither should we.

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A Third of Us: What It Takes to Reach the Unreached

Today over three billion people, a third of the inhabitants of the earth, have yet to hear the good news of Jesus. They have no opportunity to believe in him as their Savior. Of all the injustices in the world – and there are many that are quite distressing – this is the worst, because of the eternal consequences. In light of this staggering need, we will explore the five Great Commission passages, where Jesus methodically unfolds the essence of the Church’s task in reaching the unreached. This is not just an opportunity to be aware of the need, but a rallying cry for believers today to respond. This presentation will cast a vision for ways to get involved in reaching the unreached. Although the task of reaching three billion people seems overwhelming, this practical presentation points us back to the words of Jesus of how it is to be done. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_marvinnewell_athirdofus

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Integrating Healthcare and Church Planting

Providing healthcare in pioneer mission settings complements and demonstrates the Gospel in action, following the footsteps of Jesus. This results in both improving the healthcare of the local community—and beyond—and the planting and growth of the church. We will describe and illustrate this from experiences in Thailand, Cambodia and the Big Country in Asia. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_narita_thompson_integratinghealthcare_ https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_narita_thompson_integratinghealthcare_handout_

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Cross-Cultural Issues in Teaching Internationally

This session will help prepare participants for teaching internationally and/or cross-culturally. It will discuss differences in education methods that exist between different countries and cultural reasons for them; how these differences may impact how you teach and introduce new methods; and provide examples of ways to overcome or adapt to these differences. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_sharifalkenheimer_crossculturalissues

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