
See our great lineup of speakers for GMHC 2019

And more


Barbara Ihrke

Missions-minded, global traveler, nurse.

Bob Hay

I am a SIM missionary serving as a Coach and Consultant at the SIM USA Office in Charlotte, NC.

Bob Mason

Bob Mason

Brian Vickers

Theology of Poverty

Brother Daniel

Responding To Gods Command and Commission Through Loving God and Loving Others And Proclaiming the Gospel to the Lost and Discipling others

Bryan Cairns

PsychiatryFamily MedicinePhysician

Calvin Wilson

Starting a Residency Program Overseas

Christine Rogers

Pediatric Occupational Therapist and Mom of Two

Connie Crump, PT, DPT

Follower of Jesus!

Dr. Tom

Dr. Tom McKechnie application for GMHC 2019

Francis Bukachi

Impact After Short Term Trips Leave


Jaime Saint

Building Empowering Partnerships

Jessie Thomas

Practical Pathways: Training Tips to Thrive on the Mission Field


Joseph Daniel

Market Place Workers in Closed Countries

Kacie Chase


Laura Johnson

Med-Peds physician serving Jesus through medical education

Laura Smelter

Director of Training, Christian Health Service Corps

Lisa Werner

Lisa Werner, MPH, PA-C

Maha Asham

Maha Asham

Marcia Grand Ortega

Volunteer Program Manager - Incorporating the Principles for Responsible and Impactful Missionary Work

Mark Crouch

Medical missionary in Papua New Guinea. Husband, father of four and life-long learner and disciple.

Martha Hawkins

How Global Experiences Impact Practice

Mary Bolander

Equipping the global missions community for the emerging world.

Mary Cairns

Global Mental Health: Psychiatry, Missions, and treating "the least of these"


Leading Expert in Landing a Job in a Global Market

Panel of Docs and Nurses

John McVay is a mobilizer who organizes a panel of docs and nurses at GMHC Friday 10a-11a as well as small group discussions Friday 11a-noon

Patsy Lawton

Now a retired PT, but "rehired" for volunteer STM work and active in the leadership of Christian Physical Rehab Professionals.

Perry Jansen

Don't let educational debt keep you from obeying God's call in your life.

Rebecca McClarren

Rebecca McClarren

Richard Bagge

Richard Baggé MD SIL Global Consultant


Short Term Mission Opportunities for Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Speach and Language Therapists

Rick Donlon

IM/Peds doc with two decades of developing incarnational primary care networks for low-income US communities and sending to the 10/40 Window

Roger Brown

I'm a child psychiatrist working to support missionary families in Africa. I have been based at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi, Kenya

Samuel Thielman

Samuel Thielman, M.D., Ph.D.

Skip Roy

Phsical Therapist

Walt Larimore

Family Physician and Author